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Innovation Studio is pleased to be running a 3-day residency at Cove Park for RCS staff members, thanks to the planning, research and inquiry of our Innovators in Residence, Leonie Rae Gasson and Lora Krasteva. The residency is open to all staff who work at least 1 day a week at the Conservatoire (0.2 FTE or 7 hours per week). Both teaching and professional services staff are welcome.

The residency will take place from 31 January - 2 February 2024 

Lora and Leo have identified a need amongst staff for space and time for connections, research, and peer exchange. The residency format can helpfully create distance between the day-to-day work of staff and their longer-term interests. As such, this mini residency is intended to nurture and support the innovative work that goes on at RCS by providing time, space, and opportunities for collaboration. 

You can read more about the residency, eligibility, access, and how to apply here. 

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